Axe-wielding boyfriend arrested for threatening his partner and a friend in Palma

The suspect already had a history of domestic violence

Police recovered the axe. | National Police


The National Police have arrested a 36-year-old man in Playa de Palma after threatening to kill his partner and a friend with an axe. The events occurred on Monday April 1 at the home where he lived with his partner. The alleged suspect had been arrested the previous day for gender violence.

The incident took place at around 7.30 p.m., when the suspect arrived at home after having been arrested for alleged domestic violence. On arriving home, the suspect was that his partner was with a friend and adopted a nervous and violent attitude and grabbed a knife and an axe to start insulting both of them. He also threatened both of them apparently shouting: "I will kill you".

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As time went on, the tension increased and the alleged perpetrator urged them to go out into the garden while continuing with the threats. At one point, the man threw away the knife but continued to hold the axe in his hand.

At this point, the woman took advantage of the situation and called 091. After making the call, the arrested suspect calmed down and hid the axe in the garden.

A National Police patrol went to the house and burst in when they heard an argument. Once inside they observed that the woman was very nervous and separated her from her partner. The officers gathered all the information and arrested the man without the victim or her friend lodging a complaint.