Owners of Palma's Social Club hit out at "degrading treatment"

"An aberration"; the club could have stayed where it is

Social Club will be demolished. | Jaume Morey


Social Club, the British-run nightclub on Palma's Paseo Marítimo, will close on April 29.

The Balearic Ports Authority and ultimately Spain's ministry for transport have ordered the forced expropriation of the club. It has to be demolished as part of the work for the redevelopment of the Paseo Marítimo.

One of the club's DJs, Sergi Ales, says that the only information he has had is that he will work there for two more weeks and that will be it. "Personally, in the more than 20 years that I have been a professional DJ, it is my favourite club. It is sad that something so mythical in Mallorca is going to be demolished."

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Jaume Ballester, aka DJ Simonet, is another of the DJs. "It really is the only club on the Paseo Marítimo that is worth it and has quality tourism. It is a luxury club, with enviable facilities. It's very sad that it's closing, because more than 35 workers will go - waiters, security guards, DJs and other employees. They don't know what they're going to do now."

He believes the club could have stayed where it is. "What they want to do is an aberration."

The club's ownership says that the keys will be handed over at the end of this month. A statement reads: "We cannot express in words the degrading treatment that we have received during the last four years since we were informed of the intention to eliminate our premises from the Paseo Marítimo.

"What really matters right now are the memories we have created together ... let's make the most of the time we have left. From the bottom of our hearts, we are immensely grateful for the incredible moments we have shared."