Celebrate Saint George in style with the Big Bulletin ticket giveaway

Other prizes include cinema, concert tickets and gifts

Win tickets to watch the Pet Shop Boys this summer. | Alasdair McLellan/Warner Music


Calling all Bulletin readers, fancy going to see one of the top attractions on the island for free? Do you want to see the Pet Shop Boys in concert? All you have to do is cut-out the coupon which appears this Friday, April 26 in our Saint George Special, and bring it to our stand at the St. George market in Palmanova on Saturday (April 27) between 10am and 2pm. Our stand is next to McDonalds on the promenade.

MAGALUF - HOTELES TEMATICOS - El Sol Katmandú Park & Resort tiene un parque de atracciones.
House of Katmandu.
PALMA. ESPECTACULOS. Regresa EXHIBIT para llenar de música las noches del verano. Las cenas espectáculo de House of Son Amar v
House of Son Amar.

You will then take part in a tombola where you can win tickets for Son Amar, Pirates, Katmandu, Mallorca Country Club and the Mallorca Live Music Festival where the Pet Shop Boys are the headline band. Other prizes include cinema, concert tickets and gifts.

Pirates Adventure Show.
Mallorca Country Club.

If you have been unable to buy a Bulletin, don’t worry you will be able to get one from our stand.
You must bring the coupon to be able to take part in the draw.

A wide range of events are taking place in Palmanova this weekend for Saint George’s Day including the market, a book signing by Lord Jeffrey Archer, a display of classic Mini cars, cricket on the beach and lots more.