Tackling underage drinking at Mallorca's fiestas

Concerns that children are starting to drink at an increasingly younger age

Bars are often specially set up for fiestas, like this one in Muro. | Antoni Pol


Underage drinking at fiestas is an issue that town halls and police have to deal with each year.

In Calvia, a special group has been set up to try and prevent under-18s drinking at fiestas in the municipality. It comprises town hall representatives, the police, Guardia Civil, citizens' associations (which are involved with fiesta organisation) and specialist advisors.

Procedures and actions are being designed to reduce the risks of drinking alcohol and to ensure compliance with the law.

The councillor for social services and the family, Juana Maria Prats, says: "In summer and with the fiestas' calendar, young people spend more time on the streets. We must take measures and ensure their safety." She worries that children are starting to drink at an increasingly younger age.

Gloria Cárcamo, a member of the prevention plan team, adds: "The objective is to have safer fiestas involving all possible agents to prevent minors from having access to alcohol." There will be information tables at the fiestas, agreements on not serving alcohol to the under-18s, and information letters will be sent to the various groups involved with fiesta activities.