Manacor murders were an exorcism

Miquel Binimelis suffered a psychotic break

Officers at the finca on the outskirts of Manacor, | Alejandro Sepúlveda


Miquel Binimelis Matemalas, 49, has told police that he performed an exorcism at the finca in Manacor where he murdered his 56-year-old brother and 82-year-old mother.

He believed that his brother and mother had been possessed and that the finca itself needed exorcising. He smashed the windows of a Citroën because the car could take people to another dimension.

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Investigators have yet to be able to determine the exact cause of death of Miquel's mother. Her upper and lower extremities were missing and her body was completely charred.

His brother Martí had two wounds on the back of the head, several broken ribs and a calf wound caused with a pickaxe after he had been killed. Miquel's intention, say police, had been to drag his brother with the pickaxe to the bonfire on which he had burned his mother.

Contrary to previous reports, Miquel does not have a psychiatric history. He suffered a psychotic break. For the time being, he remains in the psychiatric unit at Son Espases Hospital. A court in Manacor has ordered his imprisonment when it is felt that he can be transferred from hospital.