Ibiza can't take anymore

Protest against "massification of tourism" is called


The Bulletin has received the following press release from Prou Eivissa.

"Prou Eivissa (Ibiza) is a social platform that has been condemning the excess of mass tourism in Ibiza since its founding in 2016. The general spirit and feeling is to advocate for a sustainable balanced future for the well-being and growth of the local people in unison with a type of tourism which wishes to respect and enjoy the diversities of this beautiful island. The platform has been working tirelessly to raise awareness on social media about the negative impacts of uncontrolled tourism on our island and to try to promote measures that could enable a more responsible and respectful attitude for both the environment and the community.

"Therefore, we would like to transmit our reasons for calling the residents in Ibiza to a protest against the massification, on May 24th, at 8 pm, in front of the local council building in Avenida España.

"In Prou Eivissa, our aim is to encourage the entire Ibizan society to participate in the protest on May 24th in front of the Consell d’Eivissa so that the voices of all who oppose the way things are going can be heard, especially regarding the issue of mass tourism that Ibiza is suffering, particularly in recent years. This concentration focuses primarily on two key points: on one hand, the urgent need to create and implement a law limiting vehicle entry, following the model of our sister island of Formentera, along with a set of measures that include ensuring the maintenance of the tourist moratorium, incentives for hoteliers to reduce capacity, as well as new measures to protect residents and crack down on illegal renting.

"We are aware that these are minimal points, but we believe they will help broaden harmony within our society. We need positive and successful models, that’s why, we want to remind everyone that thanks to the concentrations that organizations like GEN and IEE have been carrying out since 1977 to unite the Ibicencan society over the protection of Ses Salines, we have been able to enjoy for more than 20 years a Natural Park that is now once again under threat due to mass tourism.

"We consider it essential to achieve a balance between residents and tourists, and therefore we believe that the legitimate expression of the people of Ibiza can guarantee a sustainable future for all. It is very important that people move away from the idea that demanding and opposing the way things are done is tantamount to calling for a sad island, as some may suggest it discourages people, stirring up ghosts from times of crisis when the reality is that our most precious assets are in immediate danger. Once again, we urge families, youths, adults or anyone who appreciates a respectful life and wishes to be treated with respect, to come and make their presence felt so that the authorities truly feel the pressure that makes us say: Ibiza cannot take anymore!"