Palma university assessing aggression towards pro-Palestine students

The incidents haven't thus far been reported to the police

Students have been demonstrating their support for Palestine for several days. | Pere Bota


The legal department at the University of the Balearic Islands is considering the attacks on Monday and Tuesday against students camped out in support of Palestine.

It is claimed that far-right groups linked to Real Mallorca's ultras were responsible for attacks and threats. Campus security guards intervened, but students want the university to report the matter to the police.

There has been a suggestion that one of the aggressors is himself a student. Marcos Nadal, the vice-rector, says that this has not been confirmed. "If he were a student, we would be dealing with a very serious offence."

On Wednesday, around 150 people, the majority of them from the makeshift campsite, staged a protest and called on the university to condemn genocide and break any relationship with Israel.

Politicians have been having their say. Jorge Campos, a Vox deputy in Congress, expressed all his support for "the brave young people, who are not part of any neo-Nazi organisation, who tried to remove the banners supporting ETA and Hamas".

Jaume Alzamora, the general secretary of Més, has accused Vox and the Partido Popular of "stoking hate speech".