"Excessive" consumption has been occurring in Bunyola. | Archive


Another municipality in Mallorca has announced measures to limit water consumption because of low reserves.

Following announcements by Arta, Banyalbufar and Estellencs over the past couple of weeks, Bunyola town hall is limiting daily consumption to 200 litres per person.

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On Friday, the mayor, Joan Riera, said that reserves were at ten per cent of their capacity. Last week, supply was cut off to some parts of Bunyola for a few days in order to allow municipal water tanks to fill. Some properties had been using excessive amounts of water; they have continued to since supply was fully restored.

There are also restrictions on use - watering gardens, filling pools, cleaning cars or terraces. The town hall hopes for "maximum citizen cooperation". If there isn't, the mayor warns, "even more restrictive measures will have to be taken".