Deya town hall announces water restrictions for non-essential activities

The town hall is not ruling out occasional water cuts

DEIA. COMUNICACION. El ‘apagón’ televisivo en el pueblo llega al pleno y podría acabar en los tribunales. Imagen de la localidad de Deià, en plena Serra de Tramuntana. | F.F.


Deya Town Hall has implemented restrictions on the consumption of water from the public network in order to guarantee the supply. As almost every year, the council is forced to take restrictive measures due to the worrying drop in the water levels of the Font des Molí and the Verger well, coinciding with the increase in consumption at this time of the year.

The mayor has issued a decree prohibiting the use of water from the municipal network to refill swimming pools, water gardens and terraces or wash cars, among other non-essential uses. The supply is guaranteed, but occasional cuts are not being ruled out.

For a month now, the town hall has had to bring in water from Palma, which has already meant spending 20% of the budget allocation for this purpose.

In Esporles, the increase in water consumption has left them on the verge of having to implement restrictions, and to avoid this, the town hall intensified its campaigns for responsible consumption, with ‘L'aigua s'acaba, tanca l'aixeta(Water is ending, turn off your taps) being the latest campaign to be launched. The demand had increased coinciding with the beginning of July and the increase in temperature over the last few days.

In Banyalbufar, the town hall has canceled the intermittent water cuts that were scheduled for July 15. Acting mayor Joan Vives informed residents through a municipal notice that the water supply cuts would be suspended until the results of the well drilling are known.