Luxury real estate agencies in the centre of Palma vandalised

Police have been informed of the incidents and an investigation has been launched


This afternoon, several luxury real estate agencies in the centre of Palma were vandalised with spray-painted messages protesting against speculation. The police have been notified, and an investigation is underway to identify the culprits.

The targeted real estate agencies are located in the heart of the city. One of the messages, written in Catalan, reads "Fora inmobiliàries. Prou especulació" (No more real estate, no more speculation). Some sources suggest the graffiti was timed to coincide with a demonstration held this afternoon, which saw over 12,000 participants advocating for a change in the tourism model.

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There are cameras from nearby businesses in the vicinity of the vandalised properties. Investigators plan to review the footage on Monday to help determine who was responsible for the vandalism.

Thousands marched through Palma this evening, demanding an end to mass tourism and advocating for more affordable housing in Mallorca. Many city centre streets were closed to traffic, and additional police officers were deployed. Protesters carried placards with messages like "Fewer Tourists" and "We Want To Live." One even read "Brexit Out!"

The turnout has easily exceeded the 10,000 participants of the first protest in May. In fact, the head of the march had already reached the Borne while people were still leaving Plaza España, where the march began.