Two Alcudia restaurant workers arrested for stealing almost 100,000 euros

One of the two had 700 euros in his possession when he was arrested

The Guardia Civil arrested the two after they had finished work. | Archive


The Guardia Civil report having arrested two restaurant workers in Alcudia who are accused of having stolen almost 100,000 euros.

The two, a Spaniard and a Colombian, are suspected of having been stealing from the restaurant for some considerable time. According to the Guardia, the restaurant owner began to suspect that the accounts didn't match what was sold and recorded in the computer program. This was in January last year.

She continued to have her suspicions but it was only in June this year that cameras were installed to watch the till and the computer terminal.

The owner was able to establish that the two were appropriating cash from sales that weren't recorded in the system and that they were not giving customers receipts.

For the 2024 accounting period alone, she estimates that 94,000 euros have been stolen. The total amount is believed to be much higher.

The two were arrested after they had finished work. One of them had 700 euros in his possession.