Rental properties are scarce and the prices are high. | MDB


The opposition PSOE in Palma are demanding that the town hall administration implements a rent cap in the city.

On Thursday, spokesperson Francisco Ducrós drew attention to rent cap figures itemised by the Spanish housing ministry and observed that people are paying over 1,000 euros more than these limits.

A study by PSOE highlights the kinds of rent being asked for. In Pere Garau, the party has found examples of apartments at 1,500 euros a month. The housing ministry suggests the price should be 575 euros.

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In Plaça de Toros, there are rents of 1,750 euros, when the ministry indicates that it should be 928. In Foners-Joan Alcover, the price is 2,000 euros, 1,041 euros above what the ministry indicates.

"It is unviable to live in the city," said Ducrós, who accused the Partido Popular and Vox of "inaction".

"On average, a home costs 1,775 euros a month, an annual cost for the tenant of 21,300 euros, 98 per cent of the average salary." If a cap were applied, the cost would be 826 euros, 30 per cent of the average salary. "Right now, people are paying 950 euros more a month on rent. It is unsustainable."

Under the national housing law, Palma is categorised as a 'stressed' city. The law allows rent caps to be applied in such a circumstance, but this is discretionary, and the Balearic Government has said that it will not implement caps.