Two-year sentence for Palma pyromaniac

Plus payments totalling some 1,500 euros

In court with a translator. | Juan P. Martínez


A Bulgarian man has been sentenced to two years for having set fire to rubbish containers in Palma. He started four fires in the space of half an hour on November 25 last year.

The 38-year-old admitted in court on Thursday that he set fire to rags next to a set of rubbish containers on C. Bisbe Bernat Nadal at 10.50pm. Ten minutes later he caused a fire on C. San Vicente de Pau. He then returned to C. Bisbe Bernat Nadal - a second fire there resulted in the greatest damage - before moving on to C. General Riera at 11.20.

The National Police arrested him shortly afterwards and found a lighter among his belongings. He showed defiance and hit the patrol car roof, causing damage costing 139 euros.

He has to pay for this and also pay a fine of 540 euros for resisting arrest and 896 euros to the Emaya municipal services agency.

The prison sentence was suspended for two years and will not be served so long as he doesn't commit another crime and pays all the money no later than within the next twelve months.