190 million euro investment in Mallorca water treatment plants

European funds will cover more than half the cost

The Palma II plant is scheduled to be operational in August 2026. | MDB


Spain's ministry for ecological transition is to invest almost 200 million euros in water treatment in Mallorca.

There are three projects: the new Palma II treatment plant; land related to this and the submarine outfall; and the new Can Picafort plant. European Next Generation funds will cover 113.6 million euros of the cost. The rest will come directly from the Spanish Government and from the Palma municipal services agency, Emaya (28.4 million euros).

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Around 30% of work to Palma II has been completed. August 2026 is the target date for full completion.

The project for the land and submarine outfall is currently awaiting a report from the Balearic Government's coasts directorate. This will replace the current outfall, which is obsolete, and will allow discharge into the sea with guarantees of quality and dilution. It will have a total length of 6.8 kilometres - 1.5 of these on land - and will discharge at a depth of 36 metres, while avoiding posidonia meadows.

The location of the Can Picafort has still to be agreed. Alternatives are at present being studied by the relevant authorities, which include Muro and Santa Margalida town halls, who have been at loggerheads for years regarding the siting of the new plant to serve Can Picafort and Playa de Muro. The existing plant by the Albufera Nature Park was deemed out of date as long ago as the turn of the century.