Cuban/American who lived the American dream is Trump´s new ambassador to Spain

Gave 2,8 million dollars to the Trump campaign

New ambassador to Spain. Bulletin files.


President-elect Donald Trump has named a Cuban/American, who came to the U.S. with just five dollars in his pocket and is now a multi-millionaire, as the new U.S. ambassador to Spain. Benjamín León Jr is a big donor to the Republican Party.

“He came to the U.S. from Communist Cuba at 16-years-old, with only Five Dollars in his pocket, and proceeded to build his company, Leon Medical Centers, into an incredible business. He has helped support many worthy causes, like La Liga Contra el Cancer, and important Medical Research at Johns Hopkins and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute,” Donald Trump wrote, according to the Florida Politics website.

“Benjamin has also invested in training our future doctors and nurses by supporting Miami-Dade College’s Benjamin Leon Jr .School of Nursing, and the Benjamin Leon Center for Geriatric Research and Education at Florida International University’s Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine. Congratulations Benjamin!” said Trump

According to media reports León spent about $2.8 million to send Trump back to the White House and a further $400,000 to the Republican National Committee.

Born in Oriente, Cuba, in 1944, León immigrated with his family to Miami in 1961. León’s father founded Clinica Cuba three years later, his Leon Medical Centers bio said, to provide health care services to the city’s growing Cuban population.

Pending confirmation by the Senate, León will succeed Julissa Reynoso Pantaleón, a Dominican Republican-born lawyer, in the role.