The new exclusion zone.


The Soller council has decided to shield a large part of the urban area of the town against non-resident traffic with the introduction, this year in an experimental phase, of a low emission zone (ZBE). In this way, in an area of some 70 hectares which includes 12 streets in the municipality, only residents' vehicles will be allowed to circulate, with some exceptions.

This is what is planned as part of the project that the Soller traffic department has been drawing up for months. The perimetre affected is framed by the streets Isabel II, Sant Jaume-Pere Serra, camino del Murterar, Andreu Coll, Cetre and the Desvío road, together with the secondary streets included and the sections that connect these roads.

Many of the affected streets affected will have to change the current direction of traffic, leaving Calle Cetre for the main entrance of vehicles and the exit along Calle Isabel II. According to the councillor for Mobility, Pep Porcel, the big change aims to ensure that visitors arriving in Sóller by car ‘leave them parked in the car parks which will soon be set up next to the Desvío road’.

Registered vehicles will be able to circulate freely within the zone but drivers and passengers of other non-registered vehicles will have to park and walk.

There have been many complaints from residents about the traffic situation in Soller and they have been demanding that action is taken. One regular visitor to Soller said: "providing that there is parking I don't think that there will be a problem, but if there is no parking then it could be a nightmare.