Woman caught at Palma airport with 11 Kilos of cocaine in suitcase

Officers intercepted the passenger, who has a history of drug trafficking


A 56-year-old woman has been arrested by the Guardia Civil and Customs Surveillance officers at Palma airport with 11 kilos of cocaine in her suitcase. A Palma judge ordered her to be remanded in custody.

The arrest took place on Sunday afternoon when the passenger landed in Palma on a flight from the Dominican Republic. The officers intercepted her at passenger control with the luggage she had checked in and x-rayed her suitcase.

Inside were 11 bundles containing one kilo of cocaine each. The woman, a Spaniard of Dominican origin, had written down the address of a hotel in Palma where she was supposed to deliver the substance and a telephone number which was called, but nobody answered.

The woman, according to sources in the investigation, had already been arrested by the Peruvian anti-drug police (Dirandro) in Lima, in 2009, in a hotel in Peru. The agents searched her room and found packages containing 11.8 kilos of cocaine in suitcases.

Police officers reached the woman after arresting a man at Lima's international airport who tried to travel to Madrid with 13.7 kilos of cocaine.