Alcudia's tourism councillor is sacked

Investigation of various accusations levelled against the councillor

Alcudia councillors in 2023; Joan Mateu Gual is second from the right. | P. Ribot


The tourism councillor in Alcudia, Joan Mateu Gual, has been dismissed by the mayor, Fina Linares, because of a "loss of confidence" stemming from "inadequate management", evidence of invoices that "were not considered ethical" and "various administrative incidents".

In a statement, Linares says that since the beginning of the current period of administration (June 2023), she has been committed to forming a "solid and united team to transform Alcudia". However, in her opinion, the management of the tourism department "had left much to be desired". There were invoices that "did not comply with ethical standards", while there was "clear incompetence" in the management of the payment of the invoice for the Ironman 70.3 contract. Amounting to 254,000 euros, it is said that the organisers had not been paid.

As well as alleged "irregularities", the mayor points to a poor relationship that Gual had with organisations in the tourism sector. "These have seriously hindered the development of tourism projects."

"This decision has been taken after a thorough analysis of the situation and with the aim of restoring confidence in the governing team, to ensure that each member acts for the benefit of the community and under criteria of ethics and professionalism." The town hall is investigating various accusations levelled against the councillor in order to clarify all the facts and guarantee transparency and accountability.

Alcudia is currently governed by a three-party coalition - the Partido Popular, Vox and Unió per Alcudia. Fina Linares is from the PP, Joan Mateu Gual is from Vox. Tourism responsibilities have been assumed by Juan José Sendín, the Vox spokesperson at the town hall who is also the councillor for the police.