A bridge too many on the Paseo Maritimo in Palma

Farewell to historic walk which connected Palma luxury hotel to swimming pool


It was the end of the line for two historic bridges on the Paseo Maritimo in central Palma today as they came crashing down to make way for the new promenade. The bridge at the Puente de Paraires and the walkway with the old Hotel Mediterraneo are no more. This walkway which connected the luxury hotel Mediterraneo with its swimming pool was built in the 1950s and was an architectural icon of the city.

Building work on the new look Paseo Maritimo is behind schedule and has not been without controversy as it led to the closure and later demolition of the popular British owned nightspot, the Social Club. However, this week the Britishb owners announced that they would be moving to a new venue on the Paseo Maritimo which has double the capacity.

The end of the two bridges was one of the most complicated operations of building work on the new look promenade but it was completed without problem.

The Palma city council claim that building work will be completed by April and the official opening will take place in the autumn.

The main aim of the new promenade is to provide more green zones and ease the amount of traffic. The Palma city council says that the long wait as a result of the buiding work has been worth while and the people and visiting tourists will benefit.