Atishoo! Allergy sufferers in the Balearics on the increase

Pollen is one source, but dust mites are an all-year issue

Allergy sufferers can have a hard time of it in spring. | Josep Bagur Gomila


Pollen in Mallorca at this time of the year is clearly visible - on windscreens, for example, or as a yellowy slush when there is rain. And where there is pollen, there are allergies, the most common sources being olive trees and the 'parietaria judaica', known variously as the spreading pellitory, sticky-weed or asthma weed.

According the IB-Salut health service, the number of allergy sufferers in the Balearics has increased by 12% in just one year. In 2024, 21,123 patients were treated compared with 18,589 in 2023. Each person can have more than one allergy. In this respect, 29,191 patients were treated in 2024, whereas there were 25,873 in 2023.

Sendy Chugo, head of the Allergy Service at Son Espases Hospital, explains that 25% of the Balearic population has allergies. It is estimated that this figure will increase to 50% over the next ten years. There are multiple factors, one of them being environmental. "Climate change, which is causing springs and autumns to become longer, is increasing the time of exposure to the most common allergens."

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Genetic predisposition, an increased number of pets, lifestyle habits; these all play a role. Despite being an outdoor society, people are said to be going out less and less, and this increases the potential contact with mites. "The Balearics are the ideal habitat for dust mites. These need humidity and mild temperatures, two conditions found on the islands." And dust mites, unlike pollen, are an all-year issue.

For now, though, pollen is the chief concern. Recent rain, says Dr. Chugo, "has given pollen allergy sufferers a break". However, this is only temporary, as plants will pollinate more thanks to the water supply.

She points out that allergies can develop at any time in life. "Some people develop them at the age of five; others at the age of 60." It can depend on each individual's immune system as well as exposure to sources of allergies, such as mites or pollen. "Allergies affect the quality of life of those who suffer from them." She considers it essential to make a good diagnosis in order to provide appropriate treatment. Last January, the Allergy Service was launched in the Balearics, prior to which the islands were the only region of Spain without such a service.