Seventy Years of Selfless Service to the People of God

Happy Platinum Jubilee to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Members of the public crowd The Mall before a flypast during the Trooping the Colour parade in celebration of Britain's Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee, in London. | POOL


February 6, 2022 marked the day Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II celebrated her Platinum Jubilee. She became the first monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee. It is history that comes with the grace of God and the rest of the world joins you in celebrating this milestone event.

I have not known any other Queen in my entire life except her. I still remember her visiting Zimbabwe in 1991 when I was just a high school pupil. This was when the Commonwealth Heads of Government were meeting in Harare and streets were coloured with beautiful military, police and girl guides’ parades while thousands of people thronged the streets to witness the arrival of this global iconic figure.

When Her Majesty visited Bulawayo, which is Zimbabwe's second largest city, people bid her not to leave the city because on her arrival day the city which is known for its dryness and droughts received a heavy downpour of rain.

Such is the significance of the monarch to the whole world. There will be several celebrations the whole of this year as the world acknowledges her seventy years of selfless service to the people of the United Kingdom, the Realms and the Commonwealth.

Significantly, is a four day United Kingdom bank holiday weekend scheduled from June 2 to June 5. On June 5, big lunches have been planned throughout the world and over 60,000 people have registered to host these lunches where over 10 million people in the UK are expected to join the celebrations.

Jesus makes it clear in the Gospel of Luke that leadership is not about being in certain office but it is the giving of service to the people of God. This is the reason why, at her coronation in 1953, Her Majesty had to say the following words;

When I spoke to you last... I asked you all, whatever your religion, to pray for me on the day of my Coronation - to pray that God would give me wisdom and strength to carry out the promises that I should then be making... I have been uplifted and sustained by the knowledge that your thoughts and prayers were with me. (Her Majesty the Queen, Coronation Day, June 2, 1953).

She understood from the onset that the success of her monarchy rests in the grace of God. God is the one who gives leaders wisdom and strength to lead. In thanksgiving to God for Her Majesty's leadership, the Church of England, where she is the supreme governor, have organized Platinum Jubilee services to be hosted in different dioceses throughout the province on June 5.

The two Anglican chaplaincies in Mallorca will also be hosting the platinum jubilee services. The chaplaincy of St Philip and St James in Palma will be hosting the platinum jubilee service at 11am with the Archdeacon of Gibraltar, Venerable David Waller presiding and preaching. The Vice British Consul Lucy Gorman will also grace the occasion.

The service will be followed by the Big Lunch Street party on the Terrace of the Anglican Church at 1pm. Entrance will be free, donations are however appreciated. This will be a bring and share lunch. Later, in the afternoon St Andrews in Puerto Pollensa will also be hosting the Platinum Jubilee service under the title: Royal Knees-Up.

This will be from 3pm-6pm and they will be events for both indoors and outdoors. In terms of indoor activities, there will be live streaming of the Jubilee Pageant on a big screen while people will be having afternoon teas.

The following activities have been lined up for outdoors: BBQ hotdogs, drinks, street games, musical entertainment and fun. You are invited to join these two chaplaincies for these important services.

I shall close with the collect of the platinum jubilee: O Lord, the Way, the Truth, and the Life, we give you thanks for your servant Elizabeth our Queen. May she ever be provided with all she may need for her ministry among us, strengthened to meet every demand which her office may make, and in all things nourished by your word and example, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit live and reign, world without end. Amen.