The Church and the Social Activities

A Return to Normal Life hosting the Play: Educating Rita

Anglican Church in Palma. | Anglican Church


Many people view the church as a place where people only come to be converted, worship, and receive sacraments and they hardly view the church as a big family with some social functions as well. Rowan Williams, the former Archbishop of Canterbury strongly believed that the church should be socially involved. A church that is not involved in the social life of its community ceases to be prophetic. Therefore, besides meeting for spiritual needs, members of the church also gather for celebratory, social and charitable purposes. This is the ministry that has been heavily affected by the Covid 19 pandemic over the past three years. Though as the church we had to make use of technology through ministering to our people by virtual means, these cannot replace the value of in person gatherings. We give glory to God that things are nearly back to normal.

On Sunday, I had an opportunity of picking up visitors at the airport who were coming to attend the North Spain clergy cluster retreat, and the influx of tourists from all over the world is a great testimony that things are getting back to normal. I have never witnessed such congestion since my arrival on the Island last year in May. The Diocese in Europe for the first time in three has an in person synod in Cologne. Other churches have already reintroduced the sharing of the cup during Holy Communion. All these are positive signs of the fact that life has returned to normal though the pandemic is with us. We have now learned how to live with it. The Anglican chaplaincies of Mallorca have re-opened their doors to social activities and such activities are meant to create fellowship for church members and those who are not members as well. The function of such fellowships is to create an atmosphere for members to become better acquainted and genuinely interested in one another.

The Queen's platinum jubilee on Sunday last week was such a great social event that was hosted by the church and many people had the opportunity for fellowshipping with people they have not known before. Memories of the old golden days before the pandemic were rekindled. In the same spirit of bringing the communities together outside the worship environment, the chaplaincy of Ss Philip and James has organized a number of social activities to be held this summer.

Significantly, this week is a famous play: Educating Rita to be held at the church on the 10th and 11th June at 7.30pm. Educating Rita is a stage play by the British play writer Willy Russell and it features two actors in the office setting of an Open University tutor. I will not unpack the contents of the play to those who have never watched it. The act will be performed live by Ray Gidley and Fiona Laird who are members of our church. I have never envisioned the altar space being converted to an office space and it looks exquisite. I invite you to come and enjoy yourself for a donation of ten Euros as these two gifted actors will take you through the memory lane of this four decade old play. As the church we continue to create a friendly fellowship environment for families and individuals, therefore do not forget to bring children with you. We continue to pray for the total eradication of the pandemic that has caused untold suffering of people globally.