Since breaking ground in January 2021 our Art Studio has been quickly taking shape and was complete in time for the start of term. The new building has a large Art Studio with an outdoor learning area and a beautiful grass lawn in the front. Art is one of our most popular options for iGCSE with many opting for either Fine Art or Photography. The Art Studio is equipped with several iMacs and Apple TV.

This new technology, including the use of iPads is equipping the students with new skills in Photoshop and image creation towards having knowledge of up to date industry standard art and design studio equipment. Our students are enjoying this new improved environment to explore their creativity in style!

For their first project the Year 11 students are choosing between either Telling Stories or Messages. In Telling Stories they are looking at filmmakers like Tim Burton and artists like Grayson Perry and Frida Khalo. Messages is focusing on street artists such as Banksy and Gillian Wearing.
Year 10 students are looking at Elements and are starting with looking at Water, researching artists such as David Hockney and Dionis Bennassar to explore painting and photographing water.

One of our students asked for a blank wall to display their mind map ideas for the start of their preparation for her project, so we are watching it go up and evolve day by day.
Ms Stanton says “This new purpose built Art and Design studio is amazing to now have as a part of Mallorca International School, with state of the art equipment, space, light and storage, so all students can develop and progress their creative studies with the very best materials and technology, throughout their time here, all set within the inspiring garden setting”.
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