The Sports Days at The Academy International School

It's so lovely to have the school community come together

Sports Days at The Academy. | The Academy


The Sports Days at The Academy International School this year have been absolutely amazing! It was so lovely to have the school community come together, and the children were so happy to have such a great crowd of spectators for each of the events.

A huge congratulations to the YELLOW team who won the Primary Sports Event, and the GREEN team who won the Secondary Sports Event, both taking place in the middle of May. The Junior School students and teachers enjoyed the flat races, obstacle courses, relay races, three-legged races, egg and spoon races and the firm favourite tug-o-war!

We then had to wait until our oldest students from Year 11 and our sixth form IB students had finished their external examinations so they could participate in their sports events at the end of May. Our oldest students enjoyed the football and basketball matches, the relay race, tug-o-war and Padel tournament making the RED team the winners the day.

The overall winning team of The Academy Sports Day 2022, when the totals of all the events from Year 3 to DP2 were added, was the GREEN team! Huge congratulations!

Spelling Bee Finals

After our sporting competitions, was the turn of another exciting final. Congratulations to the winners and finalists of this year’s Spelling Bee! The competitions in the Junior and Senior Schools revealed the incredible talent that these students have for memorizing and spelling a wide selection of very tricky words.

The audiences were so impressed by the high standard in the final, and teachers had said that within the class group there were many very strong participants. Congratulations to Sean, Bruno, Dani, Olivier, Bel and Cosmo in the Senior School, and to Carlotta, Mimi, Maddy, Mar, Ted, Toni and Paula in the Junior School.

Jubilee Celebrations

Last Friday June 3 we had our very own ‘Big Jubilee Lunch’ and the students and staff The Academy School enjoyed a delicious roast beef lunch followed by apple pie with ice cream. The children learned about different events during the 70-year reign of Queen Elizabeth II.

In the Junior school they prepared flags and bunting, and some classes recreated the British stamp with Queen Elizabeth ll by using their line drawing skills and finishing their drawings by using pastels. In the senior school students created flags and portraits to decorate the dining rooms in time for today's celebratory roast beef lunch to mark the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.