Throughout the school year the Queen’s College community generously supports a variety of local charities. This term over 16,000 euros has been donated to the following charities; Amiticia, Asdica, Aspanob, RANA, Amigos de la Ukrania and Save the Med.

Our sponsored walk helped us to raise money in October. The Reception class bumped into the mounted police on their walk through Bellver woods.

Our Christmas Fair raised over 11,200 euros for our charities; donations were supplemented by our Christmas jumper day. Children made tiny Christmas jumpers to be placed on our Giving Tree. Each “jumper” represented a donation to our Christmas fund raising. The whole school proudly wore their Christmas jumpers at the end of December.

Classrooms were decorated and Christmas cards elaborated as the festive season firmly took hold.

To the excitement of the youngest children at Queen’s, Father Christmas popped into school on his journey across Europe from the North Pole. He made sure he took notes about the children’s Christmas wishes.

The Nursery, Reception and Year 1 / 2 Christmas concert this year took place in the hall at the Queen’s Centre. The children performed a magical version of “Twas the night before Christmas”.

The last day of term proved to be another special moment. After a two year break from our traditional Genova church Christmas celebration, this year we were able to return. The concert reflected on “Peace - a wish for Christmas”. The Genova church celebration was a beautiful blend of soloists, a band, a whole school choir (Years 3-9), readings and a living nativity.

At the end of the celebration, cheques were handed over to the charities supported over the autumn term.
Queen’s College would like to wish every one a very peaceful, healthy and happy New Year!
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