Year 9 science students at The Academy International School have been learning about force fields. In this demonstration of a static electric field a student places their hands on a Van der Graaf generator. Negative electrons are transferred from the generator to the student, with nowhere to escape. The student’s strands of hair gain a negative charge which makes each strand repel each other, resulting in this very interesting effect!
And in other science news this week ……

While Year 8 were continued their study of plants by doing a dissection of a flower understand the reproductive organs of flowering plants and prepare them for learning about pollination, Year 10S took part in heart dissections.

They identified different chambers in the heart and then analysed different tissue using microscopes.

Year 5 have spent time identifying scientific evidence that has been used to support or refute ideas or arguments in the context of how ideas changed from a flat earth view. They also worked on this subject in art creating a clay model of a flat Earth and / or a spherical Earth.

Local Traditions
At the end of last week the children At The Academy celebrated the local traditions of the island. In their Spanish classes, our Early Years and Primary students have been learning about the history of Sant Antoni and the Dimonis. They have had a lot of fun with this theme and have listened attentively to the story! Some of the children knew a lot about this popular celebration in Mallorca. In Primary the pupils made special hats to celebrate Sant Antoni.

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