News roundup from the Academy School

Year 4 had a wonderful day in La Reserva. | Academy International School


Trip to La Reserva

Year 4 had a wonderful day in La Reserva. The weather was perfect for their trek through the mountain, and they loved learning all about the birds and wildlife that live in the park.

A Guided Tour of the Theatre

Our IGCSE drama students took a trip to the Teatro Principal in Palma. The guide showed them all around the theatre and spoke about the different design elements which contribute to the overall theatre experience. They had the opportunity to explore backstage, the stage, the wings, the dressing rooms and to view the theatre from the audience’s perspective.

Orienteering in La Victoria

Our DP1 students have started their 2-year International Baccalaureate course working hard on their different subjects and at the end of their first month and to help them get to know each other even better they participated in an exciting outdoor team building activity of orienteering, They went to La Victoria area in Alcudia and spent the morning finding their way to several points marked by the expert intructors across rough country with the aid of maps and compasses. They had a great time and finished the outing with lunch on the small beach nearby.

Practical Maths and Science

In Year 2H students have been using resources to partition tens and ones in maths. The children are confidently using the resources to help them 'see' the numbers.

Year 10 have started an updated IGCSE science course this year and have been learning about the states of matter. In this lesson students were investigating the factors that affect gas pressure using a simulation the iPads.

Year 3 have been learning about light and shadows in their science unit. They learned about making shadow animals and shapes, by blocking light, and then they experimented on the tennis court to make their own. Finally, they traced the shapes with chalk and decorated them!

After the storms last week Reception 1 took part in a science experiment to make their own rain fall through the clouds!

Reception 2 are learning all about space and doing lots of role play activities in their space themed area. They had great fun making their fruit rockets and then used the iPads to make rocket pictures by combining different shapes.

Congratulations to our Senior School Debating Team

A huge congratulations to our Senior School Debating Team on their fantastic preparation and performance in the inter schools debating competition. Last week our team were awarded with Best Speaker and Winning Team.