Queen’s College Forest Fridays

“Let Nature be your teacher.” – William Wordsworth

The youngest children in Early Years frequently go on outings to Bellver forest. | Queen's College


With Bellver forest on our doorstep, getting out into the woodland area is important to the children in the primary department. The youngest children in Early Years go out regularly to extend their learning journeys; this enables them to work on both gross and fine motor skills. Out in the fresh air they can collaborate, question, discuss and create.

Armed with simple equipment for their forest visits, the Reception class regularly go out to learn as they play - they explore their local environment and are guided into becoming adept at observing and experimenting with nature. The pupils investigate with all of their senses and share their discoveries.

The Reception class loved making journey sticks to reflect their topic on “Journeys”, adding to their sticks as their forest walk became a pathway of investigation. They made their own forest swing (and had a go!), they built shelters and hideouts with sticks and stones. Problems were discussed and ideas shared. One group planned a simple climbing wall. Another day was all about stories - favourite books were taken into the forest to really treasure their personal stories. Literacy outdoors makes reading even more special!

Sometimes a forest visit has to be cancelled - hopefully not for too long!

Learing about how to look after your pets.


Our Nursery class has been finding out about “Caring for Pets”. A veterinary surgery was set up in the role play corner for experienced vets to look after injured or sick animals. You know where to go if you need expert advice on how to look after your pets!