Polls list

August - 2023

How do you feel about the influx of tourists during the peak summer months?

640 votes


What do you think about the proposed general reduction in Personal Income Tax (IRPF) by half a point for those earning less than 30,000 euros and 0.25 points for those earning more?

The Government of Marga Prohens is preparing a general reduction in Personal Income Tax (IRPF) of half a point for those earning less than 30,000 euros and 0.25 points for those earning more. This reduction is another of the commitments made by the president during the election campaign. It will become effective imminently, as it will be incorporated via a PP amendment during the processing as law of the decree law repealing inheritance tax. The vice-president of the Government, Antoni Costa, explained that the aim is for the tax reduction to be applied immediately so that the citizens of the Islands can compensate in this way for the rise in inflation. This reduction in personal income tax was not included in the inheritance decree law, as modifications to this tax cannot be made by decree. This is one of the reasons why the decree law is being processed as a law in order to incorporate these modifications via an amendment by the ‘populares’. It will not be the only tax change to be introduced via amendment because the government wants to approve all its tax measures quickly. In addition to this reduction for citizens who pay personal income tax, Prohens and Costa’s plan is to increase the personal and family minimum tax to the 10% allowed by law. According to some estimates, the savings from these two measures will exceed 200 euros per year for families.

245 votes


July - 2023

Which do you prefer...Mallorca or Majorca?

Which spelling of the island do you prefer?

1407 votes


The Calvia 365 plan focuses on diversification of tourist products and visitor profiles. Which of the following aspects would attract you to visit Calvia during the low season?

Palma has for some years promoted all-year tourism through its Palma 365 tourism foundation, and now Calvia is seeking to do the same. Calvia 365 is the title of the plan drawn up by the new administration at the town hall. As the mayor, Juan Amengual, explained on Wednesday: "We want to create stable and quality employment throughout the year by promoting tourism in our desire to tackle seasonality and attract visitors to the municipality in the low-season months."

297 votes


Do you believe the presence of plainclothes officers will reinforce security and be more effective in tackling nighttime crime in Magalluf and Santa Ponsa?

Calvia town hall intends to create a new plainclothes police unit and to introduce it this summer. The deputy mayor responsible for the police, Esperanza Català, is of the view that the presence of plainclothes officers will reinforce security and be more effective in tackling nighttime crime in Magalluf and Santa Ponsa. The councillor with specific responsibility for Magalluf, Manuel Mas, says that there has long been a demand from residents and businesses for enhanced plainclothes police presence.

973 votes


Do you believe that actions such as spray painting and smearing paint on luxury assets are effective forms of climate activism?

A group of activists against climate crisis and members of the Futuro Vegetal movement, targeted a super yacht in Ibiza on Sunday.

1164 votes


How do you think the increasing frequency of heat waves in Mallorca might affect tourism?

619 votes
