Real Mallorca

City of Palma Cup match next week

The Real Mallorca revolution continues as the club brings in new players.

New striker Acuña was presented to the media on Friday. | Miguel Angel Cañellas


After a week when Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May signed a deal with Amazon – I guess packing parcels is better than no job! – Real Mallorca fans should be able to see what is virtually a new team when they play Valencia side Levante in the 40th City of Palma cup game.
Final details haven’t been released at the time of going to press but the game will be played either on Tuesday 11 or Wednesday, 12  August, depending on what paper you believe. Levante finished 14th last season and have in their midst ex-Mallorca player, Algaida-born Victor Casadesus.

The Real Mallorca revolution continues as the club brings in new players for season 2015/16 which kicks off in three weeks. Latest to arrive is 27-year-old Paraguayan (with a Spanish passport) striker Carlos Javier Acuña from Olimpia de Asuncion. Acuña, or “Torito” as he’s nicknamed, has played for no less than 12 clubs in 11 years (a positive myriad) and can truly be described as a footballing journeyman, the paradox for which is that you have to be good enough for clubs to keep signing you as you’re forever on football’s highways and byways pulling on another new strip, slightly tighter than the last!

In Acuña’s case he was saddled with three serious injuries throughout his career which has been spent mostly in Spain at Cadiz, Salamanca, R. Madrid Castilla, Girona, Osasuna and Granada.
There’s no question this guy’s a goalscorer which is why Mallorca have brought him in on loan. When he arrived at the airport on Friday alongside his wife, they had 16 big suitcases.
God knows what the excess baggage bill was for that lot all the way from Paraguay.