Mallorca Sense Fam: Social commitment comes first

In chapter five of the video series "The Mallorcans", German TV journalist Sibylle Tiessen shows how food bank manager Catalina Aguiló helps people on the island who do not have enough to live on financially

Catalina Aguiló Picó and Mallorca Sense Fam. Presented by TUI Care Foundation. (Video lasts 6 min 27 sec.) | Video by Nova Producciones


Kilos of fruit, vegetables, pasta, oil and canned food are stacked on top of each other in the cargo hold of a Lidl truck. The volunteers lift the heavy boxes down and carefully store them in the warehouse. Then the goods are sorted out and put into bags. These are then distributed to families and those in need.

Since 2009, the aid organisation Mallorca Sense Fam has been helping people in need. Photo: Sibylle Tiessen
Since 2009, the aid organisation Mallorca Sense Fam has been helping people in need. Photo: Sibylle Tiessen

This Monday, as on every Monday, kilos of food will be delivered from supermarkets to the warehouse of the aid organisation Mallorca Sense Fam (Mallorca without Hunger). "Every week we supply around 200 families in need with food, baby food and hygiene and household cleaning products," explains Catalina Aguiló. The Palma-born woman founded the Mallorcan aid organisation 14 years ago, in August 2009, with other supporters. The aim was to support people who were suffering as a consequence of the global economic crisis at the time. In 2013, it was declared a non-profit organisation by the Balearic Ministry of the Interior.

Mallorcan Catalina Aguiló (left) founded the food bank and coordinates all the important processes. Photo: Sibylle Tiessen
Mallorcan Catalina Aguiló (left) founded the food bank and coordinates all the important processes.

Over the years, the initiative, once founded as a food bank, grew into a large aid organisation. "Because of the tourism boom, many people cannot believe that there are still people on the island who have nothing to eat," Catalina Aguiló explains. That is why Mallorca Sense Fam has made it its mission to help where it is most needed. Aguiló cooperates with supermarkets such as the German chain Lidl and the charitable organisation Lions Club Palma. Of the original founders, only Catalina Aguiló remains and she continues to coordinate all operations.

As part of the video series "The Mallorcans", sponsored by TUI and its TUI Care Foundation, the German TV journalist Sibylle Tiessen accompanied Catalina Aguiló at work.

Every Monday and Tuesday, the Lions Club collects boxes of food and distributes them to various aid organisations, including Mallorca Sense Fam. The products are sorted out and packaged according to their condition. Food that is no longer fit for consumption is either fed to farm animals or used as compost. Every Wednesday, people in need can receive the bags filled to bursting point. These contain basic foodstuffs such as pasta, fruit, vegetables, flour or milk. Around 80 volunteers take care of the food distribution.

Food is distributed every Wednesday to those in need in Palma. Photo: Sibylle Tiessen
Food is distributed every Wednesday to those in need in Palma. Photo: Sibylle Tiessen

In addition, the project "Ayuda Solidaria en Alimentos a Domicilio" (Solidarity Food Supply at Home) was launched in March 2019 to meet the needs of older people over 65. This is a pilot project that started in the catchment area of the Mallorca Sense Fam headquarters and covers the neighbourhoods of El Terreno, Son Armadams, Es Jonquet, Santa Catalina, Son Espanyolet and Es Camp d'en Serralta. "Those in need who cannot pick up food themselves for health reasons are delivered by us," explains Aguiló.

Together with the TUI Care Foundation, Mallorca Sense Fam was also heavily involved during the Corona pandemic. Over a period of six months, more than 800 families were supplied with food, hygiene articles, cleaning products and masks. The organisation is financially supported by the European Fund and by the Balearic government. Since the beginning of the Corona pandemic, more than 21,000 people have been helped through the organisation's various activities.

The prepared bags contain basic foodstuffs such as pasta, eggs, fruit, vegetables, oil and milk. Photo: Sibylle Tiessen
The prepared bags contain basic foodstuffs such as pasta, eggs, fruit, vegetables, oil and milk. Photo: Sibylle Tiessen
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But even after the revival of tourism, there are still people who depend on the support of Mallorca Sense Fam, explains Catalina Aguiló: "Especially after the pandemic, we have to continue to help residents. After the abolition of short-time work ERTE, people received virtually no financial support."

In addition to the Lions Club and Lidl, the organisation Mallorca Sense Fam is supported by private donors and companies. The solidarity shop on Carrer d'Avinyó in Palma also brings in additional income. Among other things, old but well-preserved clothes or home textiles from private individuals are handed in there and sold on. The proceeds are used for food and hygiene articles. The organisation is also present at the annual market in Portals.

Catalina Aguiló hopes to be able to support those in need for a long time to come: "No one should go hungry, neither on Mallorca nor elsewhere. We will continue to do this as long as we can."

You can help by making a donation to Mallorca Sense Fam at the following bank accounts:

- COLONYA: Caixa de Pollença: IBAN ES33 2056 0004 4210 0056 2825

- CAIXABANK: "la Caixa": IBAN ES52 2100 0972 9902 0030 7062

- BIZUM: Code 04523 (only available at banks with Bizum for donations)

Cooperation with TUI Care Foundation

Support from the tourism industry: The project is sponsored by Europe’s leading tourism group Tui and its Tui Care Foundation. The initiative was founded in 2016 with the aim of supporting sustainable projects in destinations. The foundation focuses on the potential of the tourism sector as a driver for social development, education and prosperity. The group promotes sustainable tourism in cooperation with local people.