Today's weather in Mallorca (Saturday)

Amber alert for the whole of the island


Amber alert for high temperatures on Saturday. This is for the whole island. A forecast high of 42C, which is getting to the red alert level. In some parts of the island it is due to be quite breezy.

Heat wave watch - Aemet currently has an amber alert on Sunday for central areas and yellow for the rest of the island. The weather stations are now indicating that temperatures, which are forecast to fall on Monday, could drop to around 30C by Thursday and also that there could well be some rain from Wednesday.

Forecasts for Saturday (UV rating 9):

Alcudia 36C, moderate northerly easing gentle northwesterly.

Andratx 37C, light to gentle northerlies.

Deya 37C, light northwesterly easing to calm.

Palma 36C, light southwest in the morning; northwest in the afternoon.

Pollensa 40C, moderate west-northwest breezes.

Sant Llorenç 40C, gentle west breeze in the morning; light east in the afternoon.

Santanyi 37C, moderate southwesterly easing to light.

Highs on Friday - 38.1 Petra at 2.40pm; 37.9 Arta at 3.40pm; 37.3 Sa Pobla at 2.20pm.

Overnight on Friday into Saturday, a high of 35.3 in Banyalbufar at 2.50am. There is a microclimate in this part of the Tramuntana prone to producing such exceptional temperatures. Otherwise, the overnight highs ranged from 23 to 29C.