Sunday's weather in Mallorca

Overnight highs of 35 and 36C

Hottest day of the summer on Saturday. | Miquel À. Cañellas


Amber alert for high temperatures in central areas of Mallorca on Sunday; yellow alert elsewhere. A forecast high of 40C.

Heat wave watch - Aemet currently has a yellow alert on Monday for central areas. Although it will remain hot today and into the week, temperatures are expected to fall on Thursday, with rain possible. It would seem that temperatures peaked on Saturday.

Forecasts for Sunday (UV rating 8, except Andratx 9):

Alcudia 34C, gentle northerly in the morning; moderate southerly later on.

Andratx 34C, light southerly increasing gentle southeasterly.

Deya 36C, light northerly breeze in the morning; gentle southerly in the afternoon.

Palma 38C, light southeast breeze in the morning increasing gentle south.

Pollensa 36C, light north breeze increasing moderate south breeze.

Sant Llorenç 38C, light east breeze increasing gentle southeast.

Santanyi 35C, gentle southeasterly breeze.

Highs on Saturday - 42.9 Petra at 3.40pm; 42.7 Pollensa at 3.30pm; 42.2 Porreres at 3.10pm.

Overnight highs Saturday into Sunday - 36.7 Banyalbufar at 3.40am; 36.2 Palma (port) at 3.20am; 35.5 Santa Maria at 2.50am.