Friday's weather in Mallorca - amber alerts


On Friday, there are amber alerts for rain and thunderstorms in central, southern and western areas of Mallorca - rainfall of 40 litres per square metre or more over a period of one hour. These amber alerts apply from midday until 8pm.

From 8am on Friday, there are yellow alerts for the whole of the island and these will be active until midnight, except for those areas and times when the alerts are upgraded to amber.

On Saturday, there is an amber alert for the south from midnight until 6pm. For all other areas, there is a yellow alert until 6pm.

(Note that these alerts are subject to revision.)

Some sunny spells on Friday, but mostly cloudy.

Forecasts for Friday (UV rating 8):

Alcudia 31C, light east-northeast breezes; 45% risk of rain.

Andratx 31C, light west-southwesterly breezes; 65% risk of rain.

Deya 31C, light northwest breeze easing to calm; 65% risk of rain.

Palma 33C, gentle east breeze easing to light southwest; 65% risk of rain.

Pollensa 33C, light east and north breezes; 45% risk of rain.

Sant Llorenç 31C, gentle east and northeast breezes; 40% risk of rain.

Santanyi 31C, moderate easterly breeze easing to gentle; 45% risk of rain.

Highs on Thursday - 35.5 Porreres at 2.10pm; 35.4 Llucmajor at 2.20pm; 34.7 Es Capdella at 2.50pm.