Monday's weather in Mallorca

Weather map for "mañana", i.e. today (Monday). | @AEMET_Baleares


Some cloud on Monday, low risk of a drop of rain, there has been some early on. But mostly sunny; no heat alert.

The yellow coastal alert for Minorca is for sudden rise in sea level - "rissaga" meteotsunami.

Forecasts for Monday (UV rating 7):

Alcudia 33C, gentle east-northeast breezes.

Andratx 32C, light south and west breezes.

Deya 32C, light northwest breeze easing to calm.

Palma 33C, gentle south-southwest breezes.

Pollensa 35C, gentle east and north breezes.

Sant Llorenç 33C, gentle southeast breeze easing to light.

Santanyi 32C, gentle south breeze easing to light.

Highs on Sunday - 36.4 Binissalem at 3.50pm; 35.5 Porreres at 2.40pm; 35.4 Pollensa at 1pm.

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