Monday's weather in Mallorca

Weather map for the Balearics for Monday and Tuesday, indicating heat alerts. | @AEMET_Baleares


There are yellow alerts for high temperatures (36C or higher) for Monday and Tuesday; these apply to the whole of Mallorca apart from the east. On Monday, daytime humidity is due to be somewhat lower than it has been but will rise again on Tuesday.

On Wednesday, cloud is forecast to build up, and rain is looking likely from Thursday to Saturday; probably accompanied by thunderstorms.

Forecasts for Monday (UV rating 7):

Alcudia 34C, gentle south-southeast breezes.

Andratx 34C, gentle east-southeast breezes.

Deya 34C, calm in the morning; light southeast breeze in the afternoon.

Palma 35C, light southeast breeze increasing to gentle east.

Pollensa 37C, gentle south-southeast breezes.

Sant Llorenç 33C, moderate south breeze easing to gentle southeast.

Santanyi 32C, moderate east-southeast breezes.

Highs on Sunday - 34.4 Binissalem at 1.50pm; 34.1 Petra at 2.20pm and Sineu at 2.50pm.

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