Friday's weather in Mallorca

Weather alerts from midnight Friday. | @AEMET_Baleares


Forecast information as of 6.30pm, Thursday:

Yellow alert for coastal conditions (Tramuntana and the south) from 8pm Thursday to 4am Friday.

Yellow alert for rain and thunderstorms (Tramuntana, south, north, northeast) from midnight Friday to noon Saturday.

Forecasts for Friday (UV rating 2; daytime humidity 40-45%):

Alcudia 23C, sunny spells in the morning, rain by the evening; moderate northwest breeze easing to light southwest.

Andratx 23C, quite sunny in the morning, but clouding over and with rain likely late on; gentle northwest breeze easing to light west.

Deya 20C, sunny in the morning, getting increasingly cloudy in the afternoon and with rain by the evening; gentle northwest breeze easing to light west.

Palma 21C, sunny in the morning, clouding over in the afternoon and with a high risk of rain in the evening; moderate northwest breeze easing to light southwest.

Pollensa 23C, sunny spells early, rain in the evening; gentle northwest breeze easing to light southwest.

Sant Llorenç 21C, cloudy, rain likely in the afternoon, increasingly so in the evening; gentle west-northwest breezes.

Santanyi 22C, possibility of some sun in the morning, heavy cloud with rain developing in the afternoon; gentle west-northwest breezes.

Highs on Thursday - 24.6 Capdepera, 23.6 Palma Port and University.