Sunday's weather in Mallorca

Snow in the Tramuntana. | Alberto J. Darder


Thunderstorms possible overnight. Sunny in southern areas on Sunday, mainly cloudy in the north. Low risk of rain during the day. The outlook for the week to Friday - windy, especially in northern parts, highs of no more than 14C and some possible falls of snow.

Weather alerts:

Amber for rough coastal conditions in the north/northeast from 8pm Sunday to midnight. Yellow for the north/northeast all day to 8pm and yellow for the Tramuntana all day to midnight Sunday.

Yellow for snow in the Tramuntana and north/northeast from 8pm Saturday to 8am Sunday - three centimetres of snow as low as 200 metres.

Forecasts for Sunday (UV rating 1; daytime humidity 30-50%):

Alcudia 13C, fresh north breeze easing to moderate.

Andratx 12C, gentle north breeze easing to calm.

Deya 10C, moderate north breeze easing to light.

Palma 12C, moderate north breeze easing to calm.

Pollensa 12C, moderate north breeze.

Sant Llorenç 11C, fresh north breeze easing to gentle.

Santanyi 11C, moderate north breeze easing to light northwest.

Balearic Webcams (

Saturday summary (to 7pm) - Highs of 12.4 Palma University, 12.3 Es Capdellà, Puerto Pollensa; Lows of -1.6 Campos, -1.0 Serra Alfabia (Bunyola) and Lluc; Gusts of 76 km/h Capdepera, 69 Serra Alfabia; Rainfall of 2.3 litres per square metre Capdepera, 1.2 Son Servera and Son Torrella (Escorca).