Today's weather on Mallorca

Mallorca Weather Forecast

Colònia de Sant Jordi, Mallorca. | Humphrey Carter


Here are today's minimum temperatures reported by the Met Office on the island.

It’s 22 degrees and mostly sunny in Palma with strong winds and a low of 13.

Calvia is partly sunny, partly cloudy with a high of 22 degrees a bit of a breeze and a low of 12.

It’s sunny one minute, cloudy the next in Santanyi with a high of 23 degrees, winds gusting up to 40 kilometres an hour and an overnight temperature of 11.

Alcudia is 22 degrees and sunny with occasional clouds, light winds and a low of 12.

Deya is overcast with afternoon fog, scattered showers, strong winds and a low of 10.

Check below the weather forecast for the next few days.