Monday's weather in Mallorca - Wind and thunderstorms

Temperatures down on Tuesday and Wednesday

Alerts for rough seas on Monday. | Toni Diez


A high probability of rain on Monday, especially in the morning. Only the occasional sunny spell expected. There is a yellow alert for wind for the south, the Tramuntana, the north/northeast until 10am.

The wind is due to ease during the day but increase again late on. Tuesday looks as if it may well be windier. There are also yellow alerts for the coasts - Tramuntana, north/northeast to 10am; south and east to 4pm.

Weather stations are suggesting that there may be thunderstorms on Monday evening, with thunderstorms also forecast for Tuesday and Wednesday. Lower temperatures on Tuesday and Wednesday. Snow possible on high ground (1100 metres).

Forecast for Monday as of Sunday 7pm (UV rating 3):

  • Alcudia (8C) 19C, moderate west breeze veering northwest; humidity 60%. Three-day forecast - Tue: 16, Wed: 16, Thu: 17.
  • Andratx (7C) 18C, fresh west breeze easing to moderate north; humidity 55%. Tue: 15, Wed: 15, Thu: 16.
  • Binissalem (5C) 17C, moderate northwest breeze; humidity 65%. Tue: 14, Wed: 13, Thu: 17.
  • Deya (6C) 16C, moderate southwest breeze; humidity 55%. Tue: 14, Wed: 14, Thu: 15.
  • Palma (8C) 16C, moderate west breeze veering north; humidity 60%. Tue: 15, Wed: 15, Thu: 18.
  • Pollensa (7C) 19C, moderate west breeze; humidity 55%. Tue: 17, Wed: 16, Thu: 18.
  • Porreres (5C) 18C, fresh west breeze easing to moderate northwest; humidity 70%. Tue: 15, Wed: 13, Thu: 18.
  • Sant Llorenç (7C) 18C, fresh west breeze easing to moderate northwest; humidity 70%. Tue: 15, Wed: 14, Thu: 16.
  • Santanyi (6C) 18C, moderate west breeze; humidity 70%. Tue: 15, Wed: 13, Thu: 17.
  • Sineu (4C) 16C, fresh west breeze easing to light; humidity 70%. Tue: 15, Wed: 13, Thu: 17.

* Light breeze to 11 km/h; gentle to 19; moderate to 28; fresh to 38.

Sunday summary (as of 7pm) - Highs of 18.0 Puerto Pollensa, 17.9 Pollensa, 17.3 Muro and Puerto Soller, 17.1 Capdepera, 16.9 Son Bonet (Marratxi), 16.8 Arta and Banyalbufar, 16.7 Palma Airport and Son Servera, 16.6 Sa Pobla, 16.5 Es Capdellà; Lows of 0.1 Can Sion (Campos), 1.2 Son Torrella (Escorca), 1.3 Salines Llevant (Campos), 2.2 Manacor; Gusts of 82 km/h Cabrera, 72 Portocolom, 71 Serra Alfabia (Bunyola), 63 Porreres; Rainfall of 0.2 litres per square metre Portocolom, 0.1 Serra Alfabia.