What's On Friday 20 to Saturday 21 August

Guide of events taking place across the island

ADDA·SIMFÒNICA Josep Vicent, director Manuel de Falla, Sombrero de tres picos - Jota Final Video: Igor Studios Audio recording: Solfa Recordings | Youtube: ADDA SIMFÒNICA


Friday, August 20

NITX DE L'ART IN FELANTIX - Throughout its fifteen editions, the Nitx de l’Art has become a great opportunity to discover the new artistic trends that move on the island and that places Felanitx at the forefront of the ‘art nights’ that are held in Mallorca.The Nitx de l’Art 2021 opens tonight from 19:00 to 24:00, and is organised by la Casa de Cultura together with the Felanitx Town Hall. This year, a hundred artists from all disciplines and 32 different exhibition spaces take part, from art galleries to the parish church, shops and cafes. All of them turned into a showcase for contemporary art for eight days. In addition to the art exhibitions, the Nitx de l’Art 2021 programmes, until August 27, different cultural activities, such as musical performances, micro-theatre and tours of some of the exhibition spaces. Click here to find out where the 32 exhibits takes place.

CALA SANT VICENÇ FIESTAS - 20.00 - Procession by the band of cornets and drummers // 21.00 - Ball de bot folk dance by Aires de la Cala, plus giants and bigheads - Cala Molins - CALA SANT VICENÇ

S'ILLOT FIESTAS - Concert “Helena Bianco” - Pl. del Llop – 22:00 – Tickets: www.enviumanacor.cat– S’ILLOT

SANT BARTOMEU FIESTAS - Batucada - 18:00 - Plaça Constitució // Fair attractions - 19:00 - Plaça Teixidors // Painting exhibition - 19:00 - Capella de les Escolàpies // Children’s animation by Astronautes Esctrellats - 19:00 courtyard of the Escolàpies infront of the library // Music by the group Inot, te lo canto a voces and Ortiga - 21:00 - Plaça Constitució - SOLLER

SANT BARTOMEU FIESTAS - Music by “Xanguito” – Soccer Camp – 22:00 – Reservations: Town Hall – MONTUÍRI

MUSIC - “Sheela Gathright” – La Residencia – 20:00 – Reservations: 971 639011 – DEYA - Free

MUSIC - Pairing of wine, oil and music– “M. Vives (soprano) C. Romaguera (baritone), M. Darder (soprano) & V. Cortés (piano)” – Can Balaguer – 20:00 - Tickets: www.ticketib.com– PALMA – 15€

MUSIC - “Jazz” – Pl de Sant Joan – 21:00 – SON SERVERA

MUSIC - “Sus + Cabot” – Schoolyard – 21:30 – Tickets: www.movesmallorca.com – CONSELL – 4€

MUSIC - “Anegats” – Parc Municipal Sa Torre – 23:00 – Tickets: www.movesmallorca.com - FELANITX

MUSIC - “Marala” – Theatre – 21:30 – Tickets: Town Hall – BUNYOLA – 5€

MUSIC - “La Reunión. Tribute to La Unión” – La Movida – 22:00 - Tickets: www.entradium.es– PALMA – 22€

THEATRE – 33rd Theatre exhibition - “Sa Pesta” – Teatro Romano – 22:00 – Tickets: www.auditorialcudia.net- ALCuDIA - 3€

DANCE – “Bravura” – Sa Màniga Auditory – Every Friday – 21:00 – CALA MILLOR – 8€ (until 10/09)

Saturday, August 21

S'ILLOT FIESTAS - Children’s workshop - 10:00 - Courtyard of Centre Sociocultural - tickets enviumanacor.cat - 40 children every 30 minutes // IX Aquatlí s’Illot 2021 - 17:00 - Arrival and departure from the pior - 1 hour duration // Nightfair - 19:30 - Ronda del Matí // Swing dance with Jazz Bouncing - 20:00 - Plaça del Mollet // Lyrical opera and zarzuela gala - 21:30 - tenor José Manuel Sanchez, soprano Marga Cloquell, pianist Alicia Moreno - Plaça del Llop - tickets enviumanacor. cat - S’ILLOT

SANT BARTOMEU FIESTAS - Folk dances Estol de Tramuntana, Aires Sollerics and Xeremiers de Soller - 20:00 - CEIP Es Fossaret school courtyard // Children’s musical Vaiana - 20:30 - Camp d’en Maiol - limited places // Music by the group Els Sargalls and Valnou - 21:00 - Plaça Constitució - SOLLER

CALA SANT VICENÇ FIESTAS - 18.00 - Children’s games - Cala Molins // 21.30 - Concert by the Pollensa Band of Music -Cala Molins - CALA SANT VICENÇ

AGOST A LA FRESCA - 21.00 - Ronda Murada Ciutat d’Alcudia race - From the Porta d’es Moll - Information, 971 897 103 - ALCUDIA

MUSIC - Pollensa Festival - 22.00: Adda Sinfónica, Pablo Sáinz-Villegas (guitar); Prokofiev, Rodrigo, Tchaikovsky. Sant Domingo Cloister, C. Guillem Cifre de Colonya. 25-30 euros. festivalpollenca.com - POLLENSA (See video above)

MUSIC - Los Javaloyas - 20:00 - Plaça Europa - Free - EL TORO

MUSIC - Nitx de l’Art 2021 - Jazz music with Salat Jazz - 20:00 - Plaça Jaume II - Free - FELANTIX

MUSIC - Maria Jaume - 21:00 - Bellver Castle - 15€ at ticketib.com - PALMA

MUSIC - I Festival de Musica En Clu de Sot with Porter vs Holiday - 21:00 - Sa Comuna - 8€ at ticketib.com - LLORET DE VISTALEGRA

MUSIC - Bunyola Festival - Maria Arnal and Marcel Bagés + Julia Colom - 21:00 - Municipal School Mestre Colom - 15€ at ticketib.com - BUNYOLA

MUSIC - Cultura Es Vida with Niña Pastori - 21:30 - Trui Son Fusteret - Tickets from 30€ at culturaesvida.es.

MUSIC - Clave de Soul + Sonats - 21:30 - Plaça des Pou - Free - CONSELL

MUSIC - Anegats - 22:00 - Plaça de s’Arraco -5€ at cultura@andratx.cat - ANDRATX

MUSIC - Los Peligrosos Gentlemen - 22:00 - Hortella den Cotanet // Xanguito + MIaulos - 22:00 - Plaça Constitutió - Free - SANT JOAN