What's On Sunday 17 and Monday 18 October

Llucmajor's third fair. | Youtube: IB3 TELEVISIÓ


Today, October 17

Alcudia. 26th European Master Cup (Cycling). Master 50 - 55 – Signatures control: 8.15-9:00. Start: 9.15. 2 laps (70,5 km). Finish:11.00. Master 60 - 65 – Signatures control: 8.15-9:00. Start: 9.15. laps (70,5 km). Finish: 11.00 h. Master 30 - 35- Signatures control: 10.20-11.05. Start: 11.20. 3 laps (105,5km). Finish: 13.55. Master 40 - 45 – Signatures control: 10.20-11.05. Start: 11.20. 3 laps (105,5 km). Finish: 13.55. Info vueltamallorca.com.

Bunyola. 18.30. 37th Music Festival Bunyola. Italian rennaissance and baroque music by The Archduke’s Consort. Municipal Teatre. 10 euros donation. All concerts (24 and 31 October, 7, 14 and 21 November) 40 euros. Information at www.ajbunyola.es. Advance reservations at quetglespons@gmail.com.

Llucmajor. Last Fair. 9.00. Classic car and motorcyles exhibition. Calle Francesc Aulet. Animals exhibition (dogs, sheep, goats etc..) at Calle Grup Escolar and Calle Bartomeu Sstre Garau and Plaza Rufino Carpena. 10.00. Handicraft fair Paseo Jaume III. 11.00. Letting go of the pigeons and music by Llucmajor’s Band of Music. Paseo Jaume III: 12.00. Parade by the dog “Cans de Bestiar”. Plaza Rufino Carpena.

Mancor de la Vall. 7.00. 31st Walk to Lluc. Annual walk to the monastery from Plaza Espanya from Mancor de la Vall.

Palma. 18.00. Musical “Aladdin, el musical” at Sala Dante. (Camino de Jesus, 54 - Ctra. Puigpunyent, 54). Price 12 euros general and advance at www.movesmallorca.com or whatsapp 639 601 080.

Palma. 10.30 - 23.00. Medieval Market. Passeig Sagrera. More than 40 stalls. Runs until Sunday October 17.

Palma. 20th International Organ Festival. Rafel Riera, organist, choir male voices from l’Octava and baritone Joan Miquel Muñoz. Palma’s Cathedral. Free.

Palma. Music at 18.00 - Nébula; 19.15 - DoradoSuite. 20.15 - Honolili. Can Balaguer. 4 euros per concert. www.koobin.cat.

Paguera. Junior Aquathlon CHMallorca. 8.00 Pick up dorsals. Palmira beach promenade. 9.00 Starts. Palmira beach. Awards ceremony. Palmira beach promenade. For information https://challenge-mallorca.com/event-schedule/

Palmanyola. Oktoberfest (music, food and beer). Son Amar. 13.00 to 20.00. Runs until Sunday October 17. Tickets from 5 euros. To reserve your table go to sonamar.com and 971 617 533.

Petra. 18.00. Folk dances. Es Jai de sa Barraqueta, Terra Rotja & Grup Puig de Bonany. CEIP Juníper Serra school.

Markets: Alcudia, Consell (car boot sale), Felanitx, Inca, Llucmajor, Marratxi - Poligono (flea markets), Muro, Pollensa, Porto Cristo, Sa Pobla, Santa Maria del Camí and Valldemossa. Palma: Plaza de la Verge del Miracle (1st Sunday of every month).

Cruise ships

Mein Schiff 4 99,526tn Malta Arrives: 4am Departs: 11pm

Tomorrow, October 18

Llucmajor. 10.00 to 13.00. Es Firó. Fair day. Paseo Jaume III.

Markets: Caimari (Selva), Cala Millor, Calvia, Lloret de Vistalegre, Manacor, Mancor de la Vall and Montuiri.

Cruise ships

Mein Schiff 3 99,430tn Malta Arrives: 4.05am Departs: 9.30pm

Norwegian Epic 155,873tn Bahamas Arrives: 7am Departs: 3pm

Harmony of the Seas 225,282 Bahamas Arrives: 8am Departs: 8pm