What's On Sunday 24 October

Fair in Alaró | Youtube: Rafael carmona lopez


Today, October 24

Alaro. Arts and crafts fair. 10.00. Opening of the fair with bagpipers. 10.45 Dance of the demons and Na Marranxa dragon. Plaça Vila. 11.00. Parade by the Band of Music Cabrit i Bassa. 11.30 Dance of the young demons and Na Marranxa dragon. Plaça Vila. 12.00. Someriues dancers and the Somera (donkey). Plaça Vila. 13.00. Performance by the drummers Batucrack. Plaça Vila. 17.30. Folk dances Roada. Plaça Vila.

Arenal. 19.00. Palma Gospel Singers. La Porciuncula Church (Glass Church), Avda. Fra Joan Llabrés. 10 euros at ticketib.com. Charity concert.

Bunyola. 18.30. 37th Music Festival Bunyola. Renaissance Lute. Hopkinson Smith. Municipal Teatre. 10 euros donation. All concerts (24 and 31 October, 7, 14 and 21 November) 40 euros. Info and www.ajbunyola.es.

Felanitx. Pebre Bord Fair, a celebration of the ‘tap de cortí’ Majorcan variety of pepper. Awaiting times.

Inca Fair (Fira de la Terra – Earth fair). 10.00 to 18.00. Exhibition, workshops and activities organised by the members of the emergency corps of the Balearic Islands. 10.00 to 19.00 Identiy fair. Activities, workshops and displays. Plaça de la Llibertat. 10.00 to 19.00. Falcon exhibition. Plaça de Santa Maria la Major. 10.00 to 19.00. Children’s activities. Avinguda del General Luque. 10.00 to 19.00. Activities and sale of products for School trips. Carrer de Jaume Armengol. 10.00 to 19.00. Traditional Majorcan Zone. Products on sale, exhibitions, folk dances and more. Plaça de Mallorca. 10.00 to 19.00. Recycle Fair. Carrer de Miquel Duran. 17.00 to 19.00. Music community. Plaça d’Antoni Fluxà. Limited places. 10.30 to 13.30 and 16.00 to 19.00. Children’s games. Placa de Santa Maria la Major. 11.00 and 16.30 storytelling. Placa de Santa Maria la Major. 10.00 to 20.00. Artisan market. Carrer de l’Estrella and Carrer la Pau. 10.00 to 20.00. Sale of plants. Plaça d’Espanya and Carrer Major. 10.00 to 20.00. Sale of arts and crafts. Carrers del Comerç and Bisbe Llompart.

Palma. 18.00. 36th Opera Season. “L’elisir d’amore”. Teatre Principal (C/Riera 2A, by Plaza Major and Plaza Weyler). 10/80 euros.

Palma. Dinosaurs Tour. Son Fusteret fairgrounds. Mondays to Fridays 17.00 to 21.00. Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays 10.00 to 14.00 and 16.00 to 21.00. Tickets 9 euros (children and adults). Under 2 years are free. Tickets at the box office or https://www.dinosaurstour.com/. Runs until November 21.

Petra. 20.00. “Hombre Lobo Internacional” with the group Una One Wolfman Band. Petra’s Teatre (C/Sol, 5). 8 euros at ticketib.com. Art and Business Fair Display. The streets of Petra will have artisans on display and local businesses.

Markets: Today Alcudia, Consell (car boot sale), Felanitx, Inca, Llucmajor, Marratxi - Poligono (flea markets), Muro, Pollensa, Porto Cristo, Sa Pobla, Santa Maria del Camí and Valldemossa. Palma: Plaza de la Verge del Miracle (1st Sunday of every month).

Tomorrow Caimari (Selva), Cala Millor, Calvia, Lloret de Vistalegre, Manacor, Mancor de la Vall and Montuiri.