What's On Sunday 14 November

Walk Agaist Cancer - Palma | Youtube: Esports IB3


Sunday, November 14

Es Capdella. 5th Fira de les Feines de Tardor. Argi-food and craft market. Calle Esglèsia. 18.00. Fok dances by Musica Nostra . Pl. de sa Vinya.

Muro Pumpkin Fair. 10.00 to 12.00. Tasting of Pumpkin Bunyols. Town hall esplanade. 10.00. Batucada. Town Hall esplanade. 11.00. Concert. Unio Artistica Muera. 11.00. Taekwondo and Muay Thai exhibition. Plaça Sant Marti. 12.00. Batucada. Plaça Sant Marti. 17.00. Folk dances. Al.Mayauqa. From 13.00. Gastronomy: Dishes made with pumpkin at participating locations.

Manacor. 19.00. Second concert of the Autumn series. Group ‘Arxiduc’ . Fartàritx church (Carrer Sant Jeroni, 7). Free. Reservations https://enviumanacor.cat/esdeveniments/octet-arxiduc

Palma. Rememberance Sunday. At 10.45 The Anglican Church (Calle Nuñez de Balboa, 6). Son Armadans.

Palma. Walk against Cancer. 10.00 Open race. (8km). 16 euros. 12.00. Popular walk (4km). 8 euros. Under 12 years and people with functional diversity are free. Urban circuit. Closed to traffic. Parc de la Mar (Av. D’Antoni Maura). Register at elitechip.net.

Palma. 18.00. Children. “Frozen, el musical!”. Sala Dante (Camino de Jesus, 54 - Ctra. Puigpunyent, 54). 10 euros at www. Movesmallorca.com or whatsapp 639601080.

Pollensa. Autumn Fair. 10.00. Arrival of authority figures. Club Pollença. 11.00. Parade by Aires de la Cala. Fair grounds. 12.00. Shopping in Pollensa. Plaça Major. 12.30. Children’s painting workshop. Plaça Major. 13.00. Live music with Mery & the Cristians. Plaça Major. 16.30. Dances by giant figures. Sant Domingo cloister. 17.00. Musical storytelling. Plaça Major. 18.00. Folk dances by Aires de la Cala. Plaça Vella.

Porreres. 10.00. Half marathon and 10km. Plaça de la Vila. Register elitechip.net.

Porto Cristo. 12.00. Music. Emocionari. Culture Centre. Reservations www.enviumanacor.cat. Free.

Sa Pobla. 19.00. Music with Big Babo. Sa Congregació. Free.

Markets (Open from 8AM to 1PM)

Today Alcudia, Consell (car boot sale), Felanitx, Inca, Llucmajor, Marratxi - Poligono (flea markets), Muro, Pollensa, Porto Cristo, Sa Pobla, Santa Maria del Camí and Valldemossa. Palma: Plaza de la Verge del Miracle (1st Sunday of every month).

Tomorrow Caimari (Selva), Cala Millor, Calvia, Lloret de Vistalegre, Manacor, Mancor de la Vall and Montuiri.

Christmas Corner

Thursday November 18

Palma. 11.00 to 20.00. 30th Christmas market El Refugi. La Misericordia Courtyard (Pl. De l’Hospital, 4). Bar and Restaurant service. Books, travel items, antiques, children and adult clothing, accessories and big tombola. Runs until Saturday 20 November.

Wednesday November 24

Palma. Christmas lights go on. Town hall. Further information TBA.

Thursday November 25

Palma. Bulletin Thanksgiving lunch. 13.30. Can Eduardo Restauant (C/Contramuelle Mollet 3). 30 euros per person. Reservations on 971 788 405 Monday to Friday 9.00 to 14.00.

Friday November 26

Palma. Christmas Market at the Swedish Church. The Swedish Church (Joan Miro, 113 – Terreno) in Palma. Runs until Sunday November 28. Further info TBA.

Portals Nous. Christmas Fair. From 13.00. Secret Garden (Calle Oratoria, 9). In aid of the Calanova Cancer Care Charity Shop. Hand-made gifts (candles, glassware, soaps etc.). Glass of mulled Wine.

Friday December 3

Palma. Pueblo Español Christmas Market. 16.30 - 23.00 (Fri 10 , 17 & 31; Sat 25 & 1). On Saturday (11 & 18) and Sundays (12, 19, 26 & 2) from 12.00 to 23.00. On Monday, 6 and Wednesday 8 from 12.00 to 23.00 and Tuesday 7 from 16.30 to 23.00. Runs until Jan 2.