What's On Thursday 27 January and Friday 28 January

Don't forget to check the daily markets across the island

Serra de Tramuntana Trophy.


January 27

Alcudia. 11.45. 31st Challenge Ciclista Mallorca. Puerto Alcudia Trophy. 173,2kms. Runs until Sunday January 30. Complete routes and information here: https://vueltamallorca.com/challenge-mallorca/

Palma. 18.30. Musical. “Una Tienda en Paris”. Auditorium (Paseo Maritimo, 18). 25 euros. Runs until Saturday January 29.

Palma. 19.00. RetROCKspectiva series. Documentary. California Dreamin. The songs of the Mamas & The Papas. Fundacio Miro Mallorca. Cala Major. Free. In English.

Palma. 20.00. Balearic Symphony Orchestra. “Germania 500”. Teatre Principal (C/Riera 2A, by Plaza Major and Plaza Weyler). 30 euros.

Palma. 22.00. Music. Maribel Mayans. La Movida. (Albo, s/n Commercial Centre Centro Park by Son Rapinya exit). 8 euros at https://entradium.com/

January 28

Lloseta. 11.55. 31st Challenge Ciclista Mallorca. Serra de Tramuntana Trophy. 158,9kms. Runs until Sunday January 30. Complete routes and information here: https://vueltamallorca.com/challenge-mallorca/

Palma. 19.00. Music. Quartet Ànima. can Balaguer. Free. Tickets https://palmacultura.koobin.cat/

Palma. 19.30. Music. Simfovents Palma. Superior Music and Dance Conservatory (C. Alfons de Magnanim, 64). Free.

Palma. 20.00. Music. Los Bélmez. Theatre Xesc Forteza (Plaza de Miquel Maura, 1). 13 euros. Tickets https://palmacultura.koobin.cat/

Palma. 20.00. Music. Capella Mallorquina. Basilica of Sant Miquel.

Palma. 21.00. Abba Tribute. Auditorium (Paseo Maritimo, 18). 35 euros. Tickets at auditoriumpalma.com.

Palma. 21.00. Music. Ara Malikian. Trui Teatre (Cami de Son Rapinya, 29) by La Salle School. 45/50 euros. Also on Saturday January 29 at 20.00. Tickets at truiteatre.es

Palma. 22.00. Snow, tribute to Red Hot Chili Peppers. La Movida. (Albo, s/n Commercial Centre Centro Park by Son Rapinya exit). 12 euros at ticketib.com.

Markets (8.00 to 13.00)

Thursday S’Arenal (flea market), Ariany, Calonge, Campos, Consell, Inca, es Llombards, Moscari, Palmanyola, Portol, Puerto Soller, ses Salines, Sant Joan and Sant Llorenç des Cardassar. Palma: Can Pastilla and Pere Garau.

Friday Algaida, s’Arenal, Binissalem, Can Picafort, Inca, Llucmajor, Maria de la Salut, Es Pont d’Inca, Puerto Alcudia, Son Carrió, Son Ferrer, Son Servera. In Palma: Rafal Nou (between the streets of Selva and ses Salines) and sa Vileta (Plaza de Tarent).