Top events this Thursday and Friday

What to do this Saturday in Mallorca

Gustav Holst - The Planets, Op. 32 | Youtube: Filharmonia Narodowa


The Planets

Thursday, 8pm, Trui Theatre, Cami Son Rapinya 29, Palma.

Gustav Holst’s The Planets (Op. 32) is one of the most popular of all orchestral suites. The seven movements were first performed as a complete suite in 1920 by the London Symphony Orchestra, Holst having laboured for at least two years in the composition.
The Planets come to Palma this week, the Balearic Symphony Orchestra continuing its season at the Trui Theatre.

Metropolis set to music

Friday, 7pm, Manacor Theatre, Avda. Parc s/n, Manacor.

Fritz Lang’s Metropolis was released in 1927. A pioneering science-fiction film, it got a mixed reception at the time. While the art direction was praised, critics were less enthusiastic about the story line. H. G. Wells described it as “silly”.

Now widely accepted as one of the greatest and most influential films ever made, Metropolis is to be shown in Manacor to a musical accompaniment by Jordi Herrera and J.M. Puigserver, two of Spain’s most prominent experimental rock musicians of the past couple of decades - they are members of a Palma-based group The Cicely Satellites. Joined by the Orquestra Autòmata, the music will feature synths, electric guitar, organ and piano.