News of the day 20 December 2015
News / Latest headlines
President Armengol at the Magalluf "open doors" day.

Latest headlines

Magalluf, black payments and an election: the past week in Majorca

Yet another new look for Magalluf, an apparent drought and an end to black payments for property. Some of the themes over the past week in The Bulletin.


Mariano Rajoy making his post-election address.

Election 20D

Election update

The PP has won the election, but how meaningful will this now prove to be?

Andrew Ede

Pablo Iglesias of Podemos - the real winner of the election?

Election 20D

Partido Popular wins, but uncertainty is total

PP loses a third of seats in Congress. Rajoy intends to form a government though. PSOE loses seats, but the result is not as catastrophic as had been predicted. The C's perform less well than opinion polls had suggested. Podemos emerges as the third force. PP wins in the Balearics - three seats, but these are two fewer than in 2011.

Andrew Ede

Will Mariano Rajoy be hailing victory later today?

Election 20D

Spain votes

It is the most uncertain general election in Spain's post-Franco democratic era.

Andrew Ede

Edition of 20 December 2015