News of the day 13 July 2016
News / Latest headlines
The petition for dual nationality launched by British journalists in Spain.


"We want the same rights as Spaniards living in the UK"

"Spaniards resident in the UK already enjoy the right to joint nationality (unlike their counterparts in Spain), and Germany is considering making a similar offer to Britons who live there."

Humphrey Carter

Tolo Güell in discussion with Miquel Ensenyat, the president of the Council of Majorca.


Council of Majorca saves this year's Güell-Lluc walk

Tolo Güell, who co-founded the walk in 1974, had said that this year's walk would not happen because of the mounting cost of putting it on.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Vueling has been dogged with service problems that have led to delays and cancellations.


Vueling: there will be no cancellations this weekend

The Balearic government has opened proceedings to demand compensation from Vueling for cancellations.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Now you see it, now you don't. How the park would look, if the monument is demolished.


Town hall confident that Feixina monument will still be demolished

Despite the Council of Majorca reconsidering the status of the monument, Palma town hall believes it will reject giving it protection.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

News / Comment


Dual nationality petition

"The idea of this petition and dual nationality is nice but unlikely."

Jason Moore

Edition of 13 July 2016