News of the day 17 March 2018
News / Latest headlines
A further increase in the number of flights to Palma this summer.


Airlines programming 17% more seats for Balearic airports this summer

For Palma, the airlines have programmed 33.3 million seats, an increase of 21.5%.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Mega Park in Arenal.

Cursach affair

Cursach Group files for pre-insolvency

With pre-insolvency there is a three-month period for negotiations to reach agreement on refinancing.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

The Holy Thursday procession of Cristo de la Sangre.


Palma town hall clash over Holy Thursday procession

Flags at the town hall will not be at half-mast for the Holy Thursday procession.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Trees in the Can Marín park have also been affected.


Arta pines to be felled because of caterpillar disease

Eight old pine trees have been badly affected by processionary caterpillars.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Edition of 17 March 2018