News of the day 12 April 2019
News / Latest headlines
The action will affect airports across Spain including the Balearics.


Airport workers confirm plans to walk out at Easter

Pilots, security personnel and baggage handlers are all expected to be involved.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

The carrier will be on the bay of Palma next week.

Film scene

The giant floating film set

The carrier can accommodate the new F-35C fighters.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Easter Bulletin special.


In your Bulletin tomorrow

Bulletin Easter special with some great hotel deals.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Staff at a bar.


Bars and restaurants recruiting for staff in the UK and Germany

Recruitment in UK and Germany for bar and restaurant sector.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Voter deadline for EU elections is May 7.


Over 4,000 Britons can vote in European elections in Balearics

British residents have until May 7 to register to vote in the European Elections as conditions currently stand.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

News / Comment


Royal change

“I am growing increasingly cool towards some members of the royal family...”

Jason Moore

Edition of 12 April 2019